Thursday 6 February 2014

(Part 2-3 –YOUTUBE- #7-8 /Sun. Jan.19/14)
(from my journal Thurs.-Fri. Jan.9-10/14)

today we begin these 2 parts in greater details regarding this “critical” subject/theme that we find everywhere in the O.T. & even more so in the N.T.! I mentioned the word “critical” on purpose. To be “critical” as all else, there’s always 2 sides to it’s meaning as in “right vs wrong criticizing” which is so important regarding this series called “Inoculation Against Deception”. Two key words also in this title we will be looking at are “Inoculation” & “Deception”. Amazingly all of this has to do with His (written) “Word” (the Logos-Greek) as well as the (living) “Word” (the Rhema-Greek) which is all summed up in “Jesus the Christ”.

John 1:1 (Amplified Bible):
“In the beginning (before all time) was the Word (Greek-Logos) (Christ) & the Word (Logos) was with God, & the Word (Logos) was God Himself.”

We begin today with Hebrews 4:12 (Amp. Bible):
 “For the Word that God speaks is alive & full of power 
(making it active, operative, energizing, & effective): It is sharper than any two edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul/psyche-Greek) & (the immortal) (spirit/pneuma-Greek), & of joints & marrow (of the deepest parts of our nature), exposing & sifting & analyzing & judging (Kritikos-Greek) the very thoughts & purposes of the (human) heart (Kardia-Greek).”
Many other translations also make use of the word “discerner” for this word “Kritikos”

We need to “warn” people before hand that once they begin to “Sow/Meditate/Speak/Confess” etc. His “Word” (Logos/Rhema), eventually they will begin to “become” (Greek-Ginomai) “Kritikos/Critical” in a good way, & they need to make sure no one will try to convince them that they are in sin. Going back briefly to this little word “warn”, the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is replete/full of “warnings” from God, starting back in the Garden with: 

Genesis 2:15-17:(Amp Bible)
V.15“And the Lord God took (the) Man (1st Adam) & put him in the Garden of Eden to tend & guard/keep it.”
V.16 “And the Lord God commanded (the) Man (1st Adam), saying ‘you may freely eat of every tree of the Garden:
V.17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good & evil, & blessing & calamity you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die (spirit-pneuma) (soul-psyche) (body-soma) (1 Thess 5:23) 
1 Thessalonians 5:23(Amp.)
“And may the God of peace Himself sanctify you through and through (separate you from profane things, make you pure and wholly consecrated to God): And may your spirit/soul/body be preserved sound & complete (and found) blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 

Many in the Body (soma) of Christ, the Church (Greek- ekklesia) have no “discernment” whatsoever regarding “truth” (Greek - Aletheia)  vs. “deception/error” (Greek – plane etc.) simply because the “Word”itself/Himself is not “in” (Greek- en) (in union with/one with/within) them & they themselves are not “in” the “Word” regarding their “soul” (psyche). John 15:4,7:
John 15:4,7: (Amp.)
V.4 “Dwell in Me (Me = the Word/Logos), & I will dwell in you. (Live in Me & I will live in you). Just as no branch can bear fruit of itself without abiding “in” (being vitally united to) the vine, neither can you bear fruit unless you abide in Me.”
V.7 “If (conditional/prerequisite) you live “in” Me (abide vitally united to Me) and My Word(s) remain in you & continue to live in your hearts (kardia/psyche), ask whatever you will, & it shall be done for you.
Did you know that the Bible, God’s Word is not only full of “warnings” but also full of “conditional statements/promises”?!(that’s a whole other study).

Since Jesus was/is the Word (John 1:1, 14) you can actually say that Jesus is “Mr. Discernment/ 
Kritikos/Critical” because of Hebrews 4:12! HaHa! And imagine this: according to Galatians 4:19, 
“Mr. Kritikos” wants to “form” (form = morphoo in Greek) Himself in each one of us as God’s own children. 
Galatians 4:19: (Amp.)
“My little children, for whom I am again suffering “birth” pangs until Christ is completely & permanently “formed” (molded) “within” you.”

We’ve been taught for many years in many places not to be “critical” nor “judgmental” etc. & there is truth to all of this but, (there is always a “but”) this journey of “sowing His Word” which includes “mind renewal/building faith” etc. (which we will delve into great details) all of these having to do with His/The Word, will cause you to “become” (ginomai) nothing else but 
“kritikos/critical/ discerning/analytical “ ect.! Count on it!!

Also, we need to go back to Matthew 7:1 including V.2-5!! 
Mathew 7:1-5: (Amp.)
V.1 Do not judge & criticize & condemn others, so that you may not be judged etc. yourselves. 
V.2 For just as you judge etc. others, you will be judged etc., & in accordance with the measure you use to deal out to others, it will be dealt out again to you. 
V.3 Why do you stare from without at the very small particle that is in your brother’s eye but do not become aware of and consider (self examination) the beam of timber that is in your own eye?
V.4 Or how can you say to your brother, let me get the tiny particle out of your eye, when there is the beam of timber in your own eye?
V.5 You hypocrite, first get the beam of timber out of your own eye, & then you will see clearly to take the tiny particle out of your brother’s eye.

This word  “judge” (Greek – Krino) is in the “family/group words” of “kritikos” which is why the Amplified carries the very word “critical” regarding this word “judge”. A believer whose life 
is full of sin etc. is in no position whatsoever to “judge” a fellow believer who has much less sin in his own life!! Selah! Get rid of your own faults before you go on a “fault finding rampage” towards those who have much less faults than yourself!! Ouch!

Word Studies with Strong’s #

Kritikos: S# 2924 = critical, decisive, discerner, discriminative, sifting, analyzing, exposing, judging.
Krino: S# 2919 = to distinguish, decide mentally or judicially, to try, conclude, determine, esteem.
Logos: S# 3056 = word, something said, computation, subject of discourse, a topic, talk, speech.
Rhema: S# 4487 = an utterance, a living/now/spoken/revealed word, a command. 
Ginomai: S# 1096 = come into existence/being, to exist by creation, to be created, to become.
morphoo: S# 3445 = to fashion, to shape, the adjustment of parts, to conceive, appearance. 
pneuma: S#  4151 = spirit, breath,current of air, vital principle, disposition, immaterial part of man. 
psyche: S# 5590 = soul, mind, life, immaterial part of man
Aletheia: S# 225 = truth, verily, reality, true, truly, not concealed, the veritable essence of matter.
Plane: S# 4106 = deception, deceit, fraudulence, a straying from orthodoxy, delusion, error.
En: S# 1722 = in, within, oneness, one with, in union with, vitally united to or with,
Soma: S# 4983 = body, as a sound whole, physical, an organized whole made up of parts/members 
Kardia: S# 2588 = heart (metaphorically speaking), the core, the center, the middle. 
Ekklesia: S# 1577 = church, a calling out, a religious congregation, assembly, community of saints.
Speiro: S# 4687 = sow, to scatter, to extend, to receive seed, disseminate, distribute, plant. 
Noutheteo S# 3560 = warn, to put in the mind, to caution or reprove gently, admonish, mild                                                 rebuke, calling attention to            
odino: S# 5605 = birth, to experience the pains of parturition, child birth, travail, labor pain.

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